Becoming Carbon Neutral! 

September 21, 2021
Becoming Carbon Neutral!

Whether it’s recycling our signs (read more about Envirosign here), joining the HP Planet Partners Program or installing solar panels to save greenhouse gases, every day we are looking for ways to improve our carbon footprint.

For example, after installing the solar panels, we found that it saved approx. 7.2 tons of greenhouse gases! According to the carbon calculator this would have taken 4000 fully grown trees to offset this.

We are committed to finding ways every day to

So, what does it mean to become Carbon Neutral?

First of all, we calculated our carbon footprint, considering things like how much electricity we use, what waste we have, travel using company vehicles. This then helped us find how much we needed to offset to compensate for our greenhouse gas emissions.

Sitemax’s contribution?

It is impossible to generate zero-carbon emissions; therefore, offsetting is a viable approach to become carbon neutral. Over the next 12 months we will be planting 1875 trees which will absorb the CO2 we produce each day!

We believe in making it faster, simpler & easier!